Anti-social behaviour reference number: 10751184 157 High Street An account of recent incidents was delivered over the 'phone to 'Sharron' at DCPlus on 7th January 2020 (c1430). I reported threatening behaviour from 157 after a discussion over his 'new' dog some months ago and yesterday morning's public verbal abuse of "Crazy C**t". Philip Bradley's dog urinates and defecates outside my kitchen window, which can be witnessed when I am preparing a meal! I have suggested, then, that the dog is walked on the High Street (DY9 8LT) rather than in Connops Way (DY9 8UD) by leaving through the front door, rather than the rear door, of our 'suite of six apartments'. I also asked Sharron to note that I have witnessed M Bradley throwing domestic items over a nearby fence and that he is currently under investigation for fly-tipping an armchair and settee in Connops Way. All of this is of course regrettable as I enjoyed at least adequate neighbourly relations with all of my 'immediate' neighbours until M Bradley insisted on bringing that dirty hound into the 'house'! Philip even showed at Wolverhampton Crown Court as one of my witnesses (see Sarah's Stitch-Up) to counter Julie Davies' false allegations - but, of course, he was not allowed to testify (and, indeed, none of my many witnesses have been interviewed, even, in that farcical case).